Jansson family jumpin'.....

söndag 13 mars 2011

Family get-together

Lived 14 years away from family. 14 years with most major holidays and family traditions by ourselves. It was ok. I wasn't very homesick living abroad-until I went home. Going home (to Sweden) to visit was always very emotional. Coming back to our house was hard too at times, but then once we got back into our routines it was fine.

We realized that living away from family has its good sides too.... never having to think where one would go for major holidays, never having to hurt anyone b/c we wouldn't choose THEIR house, b/c we wouldn't come to anyone's house..... but as the kids are getting older they realize that most people have grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins around. But they didn't. So, now we can happily offer our kids that. Family get-togethers. Extended family get-togethers.

For three Sundays in a row we have been hanging out with my sis' family, and a variety of other people from our church. At our house. LOVE it! Last Sunday as the lunch guests were leaving, Andreas' cousin and his family, including three kids arrived for coffee. Having cousins and second cousins is a totally new concept for our children, and we all love it.

We chose to buy this house based on the entertainment possibilities. And our plan has worked out. Yesterday we had our immediate neighbors over for brunch, and finally our kids could meet. They have two boys in our kids age, and now they finally have friends they can walk to, by themselves!

Albin started off soccer-season a week ago, and Noah joined the local scouts last week too. Ridingschool started last week, and all kids are now involved in activities locally so hopefully they will soon make lots of friends here where we live. (They go to school in the city, not the local school)

This blog-post is really pathetically positive, but we are just really enjoying Gods blessings right now!

Have a good week! And please leave a comment, here or at FB. (about 100 ppl read my blog and don't know who you are!)