Jansson family jumpin'.....

tisdag 17 november 2015

A season of reflection....

For us who celebrate Christmas this could easily turn into a time to stress out and get ready, rather than to reflect! My own way of dealing with this time of year is to buy my presents as early as possible and be done with at least that bit.There are so many things we do not have to do I have realized over the years, and what remains is: creating opportunity to just chill together! And reflect. Reflect on the real reason for this season. So here comes my reflection.......

I wasn´t just brought up in a Christian country, I consider myself to belong to the faith of Christianity. But sometimes it seems hard to keep focus on what is more important as a Christian. As a believer though,  I don´t really have a choice on what is more important. Jesus clearly states what is most important: "Love your Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself" (from Mark 12:30). This means that the color of the Starbucks Christmas cup actually is not that important. I would say that protesting against gay marriage is of lesser importance too, just to mention a few.

As Christians, or as humans for that matter, it is our responsibility to help others. To give up something to be there for someone else. Our mission is not to spread fear, but to comfort. The reason for the suffering we see today is evil. The reason is not Islam. Unless you would like to say that Jesus would stand behind what Ku-Klux-Klan stands for. Didn´t think so.The reason for the suffering we see is pure evil. Brainwashed human beings with a longing to belong. They do belong now. To ISIS.

We live in a time where there are sooo many people who need urgent help. People who have watched their loved ones die in front of them, people who do not know any other way than to leave the place they love, where they belong, where they have their identity and run for their lives. Why shouldn´t we help them? Probably because it might cost us some. If not money then it might cost us some of our time or comfort, that we do have in abundance. But the reward of helping others is greater than the cost. Try it. Next time it might be you who need the help!

I dare you to do something out of the ordinary this season. Try something you wouldn´t think you would do. Enlarge your comfort zone. Buy gifts for someone who REALLY needs them, visit someone, give a meal. Be there. Look someone in the eyes, affirm. Share your life!

We as Christians often say "Jesus is the reason for the season". We do celebrate him being born on this day.

Gee, if only there was a biblical story about middle-eastern people fleeing for their lives, and looking for shelter..... hmmmm......