Jansson family jumpin'.....

måndag 27 juni 2011

Paris, Paris, Paris! [Pah-ree]

It's been about nine years since I visted a France the last time! Nine years since I really had to speak french. It is going pretty ok. I Haven't really been indulged in any deeper conversations, more asking for things and so on, but it is all coming back to me.

Our three darling children are enjoying the company of paternal grandparents, so just us! Andreas will be working for about three days, but we are here for a week, so that's fine!

We started off today by having breakfast at a local Bolangerie, Bakery that is. I had Pain au Chocolat with a Grand Cafe. Funny how the size of coffe various over the cultures and countries. What I had this morning was a large coffee, and probably the size of a quarter of a Starbucks Tall one (small coffee at American coffee shop). We have actually seen Starbucks here too! And Gap. Got the kids T-shirts that said Gap, Paris on them, for the same price as they sell the souvenir T-shirts at crap quality by the Eiffel tower.

As we were headed towards l'Arc the Triomph at the end of the famous bolevard Champs Elyssee today, we were along La Seine and by the Louvre and we paused for moment to watch to guys climb the roof to fix something. I saw a rope dangling and said to Andreas Thank goodness they have security ropes in case they'd fall! Well, at the other end of that rope was a bucket dangling with tools to fix whatever it was he was fixing. This was on the 4th floor. I had to leave, I couldn't risk witnessing another person die. We turned to continue towards l'Arc the Triomph, and a woman comes up to us and bends over to pick up a gold ring, almost like a wedding band but wider. She turns to Andreas and says "Oh My God!" 

I had noticed that there was no ring on the ground 2 seconds earlier and told Andreas in Swedish that she did in fact not find it, but had it already. He got a bit confused and just told her it wasn't his, and she lost interest and continued on her walk. We then paused again, to see her do it again to two or three other couples. It is clear to me that her intention was to fool us, and them, but we still can't figure out what she wanted? How was she supposed to fool us? I dont't get it! But if you do, please leave a comment and explain this weird thing to us!

We walked at least 15 km today, in scorching heat, so now we are enjoying the AC for a bit before heading out for dinner!

fredag 17 juni 2011


Summer in Sweden is like I remembered it. I walked the dog the other night, at 9.30 pm in the sight the wheat and canola fields coloured by the redness of the setting sun, the blackbird accompanying the scenery. I have missed this sooooo much being away for 14 years! And to think I live right in it is just overwhelming! I plucked a bouquet of early summer flowers to bring home. There were never this many wild flowers in the US. I am not sure I have realized that until now.

Another thing we have here, that the US doesn´t have is Allemansrätten. In English the official translation reads The right of public access. This means that you have the right to walk through other peoples property, unless it is a fenced private yard. So you may walk through and also pick flowers and mushrooms etc. in the forest and fields everywhere (some restrictions apply). Wonderful! The accessibility of nature is really something!

I miss Illinois climate though. A climate where an outdoor event in all likelyhood can be planned and held. Here, you always need a plan B for outdoor events. In April we had 80 F. or 24 C, this week we have a mere 55 F or 16 C and the rain is supposed to hang over us for a week. Ugh. I love hot and humid weather , Andreas is happy we have Swedish climate though.

This week is the first week off. I am on Maternity leave! YAY! The leave is valid until the child turns 8, so I am off all Summer with the kids. This week we have been home all week. Re-organized furniture, cleaned out closets and toys, went to the dump one day with stuff, gave away other stuff and cleaned cleaned cleaned! The kids love it! They really want to be helpful so they have also done a lot of work with me. We have been re-organizing in preparation of something I might tell you in a later blog. Keep praying for us!

Noah went to spend a day in his new school before it ended, and he loves it! I think his life will be so much easier when he starts there! Things are looking better! I love life! I love God. He´s so cool.

The kids and I are making Swedish cardamom rolls to fill the freezer for Summer fun!