Jansson family jumpin'.....

fredag 21 september 2012

London baby!

It is nothing I am ashamed of or hide, but I am pretty indispensable around the house. To quote my good friend Jossan (who´s husband also is away alot at night) , I say "I  AM the Jansson-enterprise".

This blog-post is not about how great I am, it is just a reflection on how part of my life appear. I am very happy with life, and my husband is a great man. It´s just that sometimes the unlikely things happen to an extent that you just have to stop, and laugh about.

We chose early to live our lives this way, and for us it works. My husband gets to work with his passion, Physics, and I get to do my passion, motherhood. But even a mother neads a vacation from her job sometimes, so together with two other chicas, I took off to do London for a couple of days!

So me, my sis and my niece, a mother of two, left Sweden for London last Saturday. We had many laughs, walked until we had blisters (that might have been only me, who insisted on wearing no socks...), shopped till we dropped, went to the Theatre, rode double-deckars, English cabs and the Tube, ate sushi and fish and chips, saw the Big Ben and Westminister up close! We did NOT however have a Sauna, as it wouldn´t work for us the two times we tried. We didn´t quite get stuck in the elevator either, even though the elevator lived a very interesting life of its own..... I also got lots of souvenirs for my kids, I got a shopping bag with the Queen of England on it, (for which I am now being widely harrassed, haha) and also got to feel a bit American again as I had Starbucks coffee and  a Bra measured and bought at Victoria´s secret!

We had a great stay in London, and the reports from home were good too. Emma called and missed me deeply already on Sunday morning, but other than that everything seemed to run smoothly. Until Tuesday night. That´s when Andreas went grocery shopping and as he was putting the groceries into the car, he managed to get the edge of the paper bag right into his eye, and managed to cut his cornea right across his pupillary, and when he finally managed to get home, with agonizing pain and one-eyed,  Noah ram right into an open window and started bleeding from his head!  Other than that Andreas managed to hold the house down pretty well!

He ended up with a pirates eye-patch and strict orders from the doctor not to drive for a couple of days, (so now I am a taxi-driver as well!) and Noah ended up with  a head ache (which he has now recovered from btw). So, to sum it up, yes, my family still needs me! After being away, I also feel refreshed to take care of business around the house! Even momma´s need a break sometimes!

Have good weekend everyone!